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Background: Mitochondria and Cell Activity

The Mitochondria is an organelle that is present in the cells and is especially necessary to produce and supply most of the energy required for all the activities of the body and its functioning, thus acting as a cellular "powerhouse".

The mitochondria generates energy by synthesizing (generating) the compound Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP, at the expense of energy compounds consumed in the diet as glucose, fatty acids or amino acids. The compound ATP, in turn, provides the energy necessary for all the cellular functions of tissues and organs.

This metabolic process or energy synthesis requires a balance to function optimally. During the synthesis of ATP, very unstable molecules called free radicals are released as a byproduct, and their excess generates damage to the cells, or oxidative stress. This effect is counteracted to a certain extent by the same cells, through enzymes with antioxidant capacities that neutralize this oxidation by blocking free radicals.

However, the excess production of free radicals and the decrease of the antioxidant capacity of the cells breaks the balance of cellular function and produces excessive oxidation, generating damage at the cellular level that is the precursor of a large number of diseases, including: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and many others.

Antioxidants as a support for cellular function and prevention and treatment of diseases

Fortunately, numerous scientific and clinical studies have shown that this harmful process of cellular oxidation can be prevented and treated with the use of antioxidants. These compounds contribute to cellular health, blocking excess free radicals that occur in the aforementioned diseases and especially in aging, which is mainly responsible for the appearance of risk factors that naturally occur with advancing age.

Antioxidants are compounds that are found naturally in many foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and their consumption contributes in some degree to overall cellular health, through free radical blockade. The pharmaceutical industry, aware of the importance of these compounds, has managed to isolate many of these antioxidants to enhance their action and add them to the medical therapeutic arsenal, supporting the fight against numerous diseases, attempting to reduce the risk factors of aging, and ultimately generate a better quality of life for people.

Within these antioxidants, the most studied and endorsed by the largest number of scientific works with highly positive results in animals and especially in humans, are:

  • Resveratrol: It has been proven that this antioxidant penetrates the blood-brain barrier (BBB), reaching the brain and counteracting the oxidative damage of free radicals. This is why it has great utility in the possible prevention of neurodegenerative diseases and the other diseases already mentioned, that are caused by oxidative stress.
  • Coenzyme Q10: this coenzyme is essential to maintain mitochondrial health, the production of ATP, and maintenance of all cellular functions. It has been shown that Coenzyme Q10 improves the symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, maintains energy production in athletes, helps combat chronic fatigue, and increases the capacity of the Immune System. Additionally, it decreases the risk factors that appear with aging, fights inflammatory factors, and promotes dental and gingival health.
  • Selenium: Antioxidant micro-mineral enhancer of the action of Coenzyme Q10 and especially of Glutathione Peroxidase, the main antioxidant enzyme of the Mitochondria. Therefore, it may have special action against neurodegenerative diseases and aging.
  • Lipoic Acid: Antioxidant that can help enhance the action of Resveratrol, Vitamin C and Vitamin E, among others.

Note: Statements on this blog are for informational purposes only. They have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products discussed in this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

ReCoSeL Plus: The Antioxidant Poly-pill

Recognizing the importance of antioxidants to maintain cellular functions, prevent, and fight diseases, ReCoSeL Plus reaches the market as the best solution for the direct and optimal consumption of natural antioxidants (not pharmacological drugs).

ReCoSeL Plus was created with a proprietary formula that will revolutionize the antioxidant market by combining, in a single pill, four very powerful antioxidants such as Resveratrol, Coenzyme Q10, Selenium, and Lipoic Acid.